Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The effects of globalization on pre-existing cultures

Globalization is a term that defines the movement towards intensified economic interaction and towards global uniformity. Due to the current power and influence that the Western world exercises, globalization can be seen to imply the integration of the world into a capitalistic western culture. While globalization has an array of positive effects such as opportunities, interconnectedness, economic prosperity, etc. there are also many problems that can arise. One such problem is that globalization tends to impose the western culture onto other countries.

Media and technology are the basis for the advancement of globalization. They enable the quick spread of goods as well as ideas. However, the media is a form of propaganda for the western world whether this is intentional or not. Third world countries are compelled to view the western world in a positive light due to the images of the modern world that are represented in magazines, newspapers, social media and films. The problem with this is that the negative events that occur are often over looked. There are a multitude of problems that exist in the western world, yet they are ignored. These industrialized countries seem to lack flaws and their ways seem to be the answer to any problems. I experienced an example of this is when I was in Tanzania and would make conversation with the women who did their laundry outside on my way home from where I was working. One conversation that stuck with me was when I talked to this one lady on my last day in Africa. She looked at me and asked me to please take her children back with me to the United States. When I asked her why she wanted me to do this she told me that America was perfect and without any poverty and that she knew this from all the magazines where everyone was beautiful and rich.

In the book, How Soccer Explains the World the author gives an example of how globalization affects local culture. A big part of the Iranian culture is the role women play. The book talks about how women were not allowed to watch soccer yet they pushed through the gates in order to watch the game. And after the match was won, some women took off their Hijab to celebrate. While globalization gave these women the opportunity to fight for their rights, which is a positive thing, it does conflict with their traditions and culture.

It is not always easy to decide whether or not this is a good or a bad thing. On the one hand, globalization can give people an outlet for expressing their beliefs and improving their lives yet on the other hand, this can sometimes lead to the alteration of long traditions and deeply rooted local culture. One thing that is clear, however, is that the western world is imposing their culture on the rest of the world. In this way, globalization can be compared to colonialism in the sense that it impacts the pre-existing culture of the developing countries. Through the promotion of globalization in media, the western world, especially the United States, indirectly imposes their ideas and promotes their system to the rest of the world.


  1. Leah,

    Do you think that the view of American that your friend from Tanzania had is dangerous or largely healthy?

    1. Professor Shirk,

      Due to the fact that her statement was based on very limited knowledge of the United States, especially ideas that the United States ultimately lacks flaws is a bit dangerous. Just because the US,as a whole, is "better" off then some other countries doesn't necessarily mean that migrants from other countries will achieve economic prosperity here. In addition, while taking her child out of Africa could possibly help the child out, it does nothing to improve the state of Tanzania. I think it is more important to concentrate on fixing things, such as education, in these countries rather then taking the citizens out of the country.

  2. This is definitely a really tricky topic because as you said, there are two sides to it. I agree with you in that globalization is starting to homogenize the world...but do you think it is also breaking down cultural barriers? Globalization has increased communication and transportation among countries. While I do think many people have preconceived notions about other countries before stepping across their borders, I think some of these beliefs are starting to diminish. Again, as you mentioned with your interaction with the Tanzanian woman, there are two sides to this. The media definitely creates falsehood through propaganda about each country, but atleast we are communicating and attempting to understand each other.

  3. Leah,
    I really enjoyed this post and found it very interesting. I definitely agreed with your points and had a somewhat experience that you had when you spoke to that Tanzanian woman. I remember speaking to my grandmother's best friend for the first time when he recently immigrated to America from India years ago, and he similar things. He said how from the media (he specifically noted TV shows) the U.S. projects, it makes the entire country look glamorous and prosperous. He also continued in saying that he's quickly discovering that not all of America is like Manhattan. It's almost a deceptive thing that American and Western media do, and it can be even dangerous for immigrants coming with the impression of having absolute economic prosperity not completely finding it right away.

    1. Exactly, I think this is an important point. Immigrants don't always achieve the economic prosperity they are looking for, and they are often treated very poorly.

  4. Through the examples you gave, I don't agree that Western values are imposed upon pre-existing cultures. I think they certainly have a strong influence, but the results of western values upon these cultures happen by choice, not by force, in the examples that you gave. In the situation where the woman throws off her hijab, this is an act of freedom of expression (western value) and breaking her cultural tradition, but this was her own choice that she made in a moment of happiness. Western culture is present as a result of globalization but not imposed in my opinion. It provides new ways of thinking and seeing the world to people of other countries and gives them the opportunity to change their ways but it is not a negative thing that "imposing" connotes.

  5. I agree with the point that Emma is making. I believe the spread of "western" culture is generally a positive thing because it also conveys certain ideas such as liberal values and democracy.
    What I also think is interesting about this aspect of globalization is that it tends to be followed by a backlash. From my own experience in Germany, I can tell that a lot of conservative / right-wing Germans tend to see American culture as a dangerous and imperialist threat to the "indigenous" German culture that they seek to preserve. These thoughts are almost always fueled by an irrational fear of modernity that goes hand in hand with a crude ideology.

    1. I see what you are saying, and I don't disagree with the idea that this move towards westernization is necessarily bad, however I do think that the fact that this western culture is often portrayed as a system that lacks flaws is something we must take into consideration. Immigrants that come to the United States, for example, do not always obtain the economic prosperity they thought they would. The point you bring up about Germany is interesting. Do you think that this is an accurate view to have?
